Thursday, March 4, 2010


i don't meant to broke u heart, my heart, his heart, anyone heart.
i just want to be alone. .can u understand it?
please anyone: don't try to take my heart if u can't handle it. .it's fragile.
thanks. :D

i don't like this feeling.
i feel that i want it, but i hate it.
something goes very wrong.
ermm. .ermm.
will sit for driving test next wednesday, 10.3
pray for me. .will u?
thanks. God bless.
i wanted the P license badly. tired of using the bus, waiting for the bus. senadin bus only comes every 1 hour. sweat!fuhh.
that's why i should do my best to pass.

today, my friend at servay texted me.
she said my salary is waiting for me. .HAHA
happy. .happy.*yay!
i go there tomorrow then.

why u play with firecrackers dear?
kan dh kena tgn. .kalau frust pun jgn sampai mcm tu.
degil. mcm budak kecik. tp dh besar.
dh la main sorang2. .x bawa sy.
kedekut. .org suruh masuk rmh kata*mimit jak gik.. mimit jak*
msg dari kmu pada pkl 15:49:08.
harap-harap km baca blog sy.
x malu. HAHA

Monday, March 1, 2010


i think i began to be-friend with YELLOW. .i found out that it has its own unique-ness tho'
a light yellow maybe. .if its darker then it will turn into notsoniceandugly. .ngahaha.
yellow car also attractive bha. .*broken english. .=.=
like mr. syahir's car. . very cute. .it's the car, not him. :P
today i went to driving institute. .he *mr.hilman taught me the new way. .A and B. .last week he already taught me route C. .i'm happy. .all was fine. .i managed to handle the car. . :)
and i am happy again. .because mumy cook pork for dinner. .wakakaka.
xda kaitan.

roger and out.