Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Kml is situated on an island which is very far2 away from MIRI. cissssss.
I MISS MIRI SO MUCH. (ngaaaaaaaa)
but i still can survive. .fuyoooooo. ehe
lecture is the best class. .ahahahahahaha. .the lecture hall is like cinema. .blh tido gik tu.(tapi sy x tido la) wawawawa.
aduuh. i miss my family so much.
my room.
and then holiday only for a week. uhu :( not enough for me to kayo-kayo at miri.
i miss my friends. next time bring me to fuckson keyh. .AHAHA.
i hate when there was no water last week. .and previous week. .ciss. menggeramkan. terpaksa gi blok d. yang lain suma ok2 la. -_-

adala sorang laki tok. .gila2 nya . dh la time lecture dduk dpn aku ngn yus. .so, mek duak tok x suka la. .ahahahahaha. .alu pindah ke blakang nya lepas ku ngn yus tembak nya. .adakah patut mbak bku chemistry kakya mok buat study group sama2. plentey alu bha. .hahahahahahahaha.

today i spend my time on9-ing. .coz most of the class tomorrow is lecture. .yay! ngagaga. .curi masa bha.
anyway. .i <3 MIRI.
thnks God for always be by my side .
