me and ajong.gelap tu.HEHE
why like tat aa my face?ngahaha
nice one.
besties forever and always
my schoolmates and also classmates since pri. 1..maybe in the same Uni next time.HEHE
the 1st group who took picture at the staircase.*proud.proud*
pic with ardi but without grace.
5 Yakin batch 2009 Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri, Sarawak.
this pictures and some had not been upload*tapis-tapis bha*hee. :) was taken on the 5th November 2009, before we had our 1 week study leave.we had fun here.biasa la. 5Yakin like to take pictures and have fun.HAHA.miss them so much.everyone with different personalities.walaupun selalu jak gaduh.HAHA.colop!!but that will always be our memories to share when we have our reunion someday.i had so much bitter, sweet, sour,tasteless memories in college seriously.i had 5 years memories in this school.u cannot find this memories in the other me.all those seniors will say that too.ngee :Du should be proud of it collegian.i missed the YCS.since i am a hostel student.paham-paham jak la.mesti la selalu melanggar peraturan sekolah.ngahahahaha.but i am not rulesbreaker.i am a good student dimerits manh for the whole 5 years in college.i love my teachers eventhough the like to talk craps in the staffroom*oppsie!*, love the matron, tukang kebun, pak cik maon*cetak our kertas ujian*lelah eh, love bang romeo*always buka cyber cafe at night time for the hostel student.*HAHA.genji.*for two years bagi makanan yang sedap dan tidak sedap*kittens and cats in college*i don't love u before but i missed u so much.ngee ;D*many things i missed in friends of course*i missed the sweet times we have been together.laughing non-stop.HAHA.mala jak layar burok.sometimes i always merajuk*cam budak kecik*sorry if u have been pissed off by me.i am natural.that is my attitude.hee :Pi never have bad taught of u guys.salah faham itu biasa la.nobody's perfect.
panjangnya cerita ku tok.okie.its enough already.keep all those "paus" for next time. HAHA
to be continue....
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