then, i drove my car to the bus stop in front of Boulevard to pick miss Yusra. was shocked to see her hair changed into straight hair. rebonding bha kawan. .kawaiii ^^ any style will just fit her. .she's preety enough.
then, i drove and drove and drove to the miri city market to send my beloved mom there. then she will go back alone using bus. sacrifice bha mom. .ahahaha. talking and chit chat-ing in da car until we had arrived at merdeka mall. had a hard decision-making to choose what movie for da day =.=' ahahahaha. wanna watch kung fu panda 2 again, but finally its Green Lantern. that movie was ok2 only. .nothing too special with dat movie. .luckilly didn't fall asleep coz the popcorn we had was huge box and i'm holding it. soooooo, lucky enough for me to eat and eat and eat. still not yet finish till the end of the movie. what a waste. ouh ya, rewind my story........before we went into the cinema, we had a lunch at this japanese restaurant. 1st time manhhhhhh! sounds so lame but i'm telling da truth baaaaaaa. -.- :P waiting for our food. no. 15.

we bought shirts and played daytona games too *sounds like childish. ahahahaha

then, after having fun at this mall, we went to bintang megamall. 1st stop at da SHUSHI KING! my 1st experience! ahaha. LAME =.= ordering and vaining in this restaurant.

eat and eat and eat. next stop is pizza hut ! nyumm nyumm. we had great time together. getting to know each other is da greatest things in this friendship. knowing yus for quite a long time and kiki for a short while, doesn't means that there's no memories kept in us. we had a long journey together. I LOVE MY GIRLS ! ♥

do not forget the driver of the day ;)

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